In January 2020 COVID almost killed me, in April 2022 Breast Cancer gave it its best damn shot.

I prevailed with rekindled creative inspiration derived from curious ashes. Does that make me a Phoenix of sorts?

I’d trained as a Graphic Artist, my claim to “15 minutes of fame” a mid 1980’s Iroquois Steeplechase printed wearable….a fancy way of saying T-shirt’s……

My art now explores: Endurance. Confusion. Truth. Lies. Death. Pain. Lust. Love. Fetish. Beauty. Damnation. Salvation. The Divine Feminine, its sacredness and the blasphemy within it .

My goals. Enticement of the eyes, wandering out into the perimeter, an edge, where hope lives, fear dies and the possibility of everything in between might exist. I traverse areas I cannot address within the limitations of the written word. I find what I write now hopelessly inadequate.

My influences. Cave Painting. Bosch. El Greco. Caravaggio. Goya. Dali. Warhol. Frida. And a group of five year old’s in an arts class I was shepherding. Children work with such a clean slate, no holds barred, no self censorship, no self doubts. If only this was a trait not lost with time and age……..
